Until then, I'll be concentrating on food preservation techniques such as canning, pickling, freezing and drying - mostly with produce from our garden! Here are photos of our two garden plots at the community garden:
June 1
(a few weeks after initial planting)
We used the square foot gardening technique - that's my husband in the background.
A tomato plant! I accidentally dropped my seedlings and now I don't remember which tomato plant is which. So...this is either a Pruden's Purple or a Peacevine cherry...guess I'll find out in a few weeks.
Zucchini blossoms! A couple of male blossoms on my largest zucchini plant.
June 22
Even bigger...and now with zucchinis!
Rattlesnake Pole Beans starting to make their way up 'n up...
I planted a little bed of sassy salad mix in the middle of the pole beans.
Tomatoes grew about 6 inches!
Plot #1 with plot #2 in the background.
July 8 (Today!)
Plot #1! So bushy and starting to creep beyond it's boundaries...
Plot #2! A little slow going...but getting there!
The Rattlesnake Pole Beans ran out of climbing room!
Little tomatoes all in a row...I'm pretty sure these are the Pruden's Purple.
Zucchini, Baby Butternut, and Little Leaf Cucumbers all hanging out together.
My two favorite greens...Rainbow Swiss Chard and Lacinato (Dinosaur) Kale!
(a few weeks after initial planting)

June 22

July 8 (Today!)

I'll keep posting garden updates every couple weeks and once my garden really starts producing, I'll share my food preservation techniques and recipes. Hooray!!
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