
The Garden

Ah, spring quarter of my final year in college. I finally get the chance to take Dr. Art Trese's Alternative Agriculture class. In the class we take the hands on approach to learning about sustainable agriculture. We are required to grow an organic vegetable garden that meets certain requirements, such as one staple crop (sweet corn, potatoes, etc), one medicinal plant, two herbs, one plant for oil (soy, sunflower, etc), one plant for fiber (flax, cotton, kenaf), and so on.

My partner Roger and I have planted broccoli and cauliflower (two of each). It's a little too early to start much more than that. There will probably be a frost tonight and tomorrow, but after that we will be in the clear (at least we hope). It's too bad that we won't be here during the summer to harvest delicious veggies. But I think I will bequeath the plot to my sister Kate and her boyfriend Jeff (who is in another section of the class).

I dream of someday having 10 acres of land to live off of. Big vegetable gardens, fruit trees, chickens for eggs and meat, goats for dairy and meat, and rows of hops of several varieties. Maybe we'll even go off the grid to some degree with solar panels and geothermal heating. Still very much a dream, but you never know what will happen in 10 years or so.


Broccoli (I think). Broccoli and Cauliflower plants look very similar.

Our Plot

The garden is surrounded by a mass of bamboo to keep out animals, wind, and keep drunk college kids from finding it.

Inside is a circle of garden plots. Inspired by Native American medicine wheel gardens I think.
The green plot on the right is summer wheat that Art planted.

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